“Collective Bargaining in a Pandemic” Illinois Association of School Personnel Administrators (virtual), January 22, 2021 (1 hour program; presented to educational HR representatives)
“The Grievance Arbitration Process” National Public Employer Labor Relations Association (NPELRA) (virtual), January 14, 2021 (full day program; presented to management attorneys and public sector employers)
“Navigating the Maze of Leaves in a Pandemic” Illinois Public Sector Labor Relations Conference (virtual), December 4, 2020 (with Tom Melody, Klein Thorpe, Bianca Saviano, Teamsters, Local 700 and Daniel Zapata, SEIU, Local 73) (1.25 hour program; presented to presented to labor and management attorneys, union officials and neutrals)
“The Duty of Fair Representation” Hot Topics in Contemporary Labor Relations Law (virtual), October 15, 2020 (with Paul Prokop, NLRB Region 13 and Vivian Schmitter, Teamsters Local 743) (1 hour program; presented to labor and management attorneys, union officials and neutrals)
“The Workplace During and After the Pandemic: Remote Trials, Arbitrations, Mediations and Investigations” College of Labor and Employment Lawyers 7th Circuit Law Student Program (virtual), October 10, 2020 (1 hour program; presented to law students interested in labor and employment law)
“Inside Tips for Ensuring Successful Negotiations in a Virtual World” Illinois Public Employer Labor Relations Association (IPELRA) webinar, September 18, 2020 (1 hour program; presented to management attorneys and public sector employers)
“Creative Ways to Compensate Employees” (and served as five attorney panel moderator), Illinois Council of School Attorneys Conference, Chicago, IL, November 22, 2019 (1.75 hour program; presented to Illinois attorneys representing school boards)
“Ethical Issues in Collective Bargaining” Illinois Public Sector Labor Relations Law Conference, Chicago, IL, November 15, 2019 (with Bryan Diemer, Operating Engineers, Local 150, Margaret Angelucci, Asher, Gittler & D’Alba and Jill O’Brien, Laner Muchin) (1.25 hour program; presented to labor and management attorneys, union officials and neutrals)
“The Negotiation Process” and “The Grievance Arbitration Process” NPELRA Labor Relations Academy Programs, Douglasville, GA, November 6-7, 2019 (full day programs; presented to management attorneys and public sector employers)
“Why You Gotta Be So Rude? Where’s the Civility in Today’s Workplace” IPELRA, Bloomington, IL, October 28, 2019 (with Amy Moor Gaylord, Akerman) (1.25 hour program; presented to management attorneys and public sector employers)
“The Intersection of ADA, FMLA and Workers’ Compensation” Illinois Association of School Business Officials (IASBO), Schaumburg, IL, May 2, 2019 (1 hour program; presented to Illinois certified school business officials)
“The EEOC – The Year in Review” NPELRA Annual Training Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, April 9, 2019 (2.5 hour program; presented to management attorneys and public sector employers)
“Innovations in Interest Based Bargaining” Illinois Public Sector Labor Relations Law Conference, Chicago, IL, November 30, 2018 (with Javier Ramirez, FMCS, and Robin Ward, Village of Arlington Heights) (1.25 hour program; presented to labor and management attorneys, union officials and neutrals)
“We Have a Contract…Now What Do We Do with It?” IPELRA, Galena, IL, October 23, 2018 (1.25 hour program; presented to management attorneys and public sector employers)
“The Negotiation Process” NPELRA Labor Relations Academy Program, Butte, Montana, September 26, 2018 (full day program; presented to management attorneys and public sector employers)
“Fair Share and the Future of Public Sector Labor Relations” Montana League of Cities and Towns, Butte, Montana, September 27, 2018 (2 hour program; presented to management attorneys and public sector employers)
“The EEOC – The Year in Review” NPELRA Annual Training Conference, Charleston, SC, April 17, 2018 (2.5 hour program; presented to management attorneys and public sector employers)
“Taking a Risk in Your Career” The Legacy Project (Advancing Women in Local Government), January 10 (Libertyville) and February 7 (Elk Grove Village) (2 hour program; presented to public sector employers)
“IELRB Annual Update” Illinois Public Sector Labor Relations Law Conference, Chicago, IL, December 1, 2017 (with IEA attorney Rob Lyons and IELRB General Counsel, Susan Willenborg) (1.25 hour program; presented to labor and management attorneys, union officials and neutrals)
“ADA and FMLA” NPELRA webinar, November 15, 2017 (1 hour program; presented to management attorneys and public sector employers)
“Performance Management Techniques” National Association of Fire Equipment Distributors (NAFED) Executive Retreat, St. Petersburg, FL, November 4, 2017 (2 hour program; presented to company owners and senior level management)
“Strategies for Improving Your Chances in Grievance Arbitration” IPELRA, Normal, IL, October 24, 2017 (1.25 hour program; presented to management attorneys and public sector employers)
“Getting Supervisors to Own the Performance Evaluation Process” NPELRA webinar, February 8, 2017 (1 hour program; presented to management attorneys and public sector employers)
“Ethical Issues in Arbitration” Illinois Public Sector Labor Relations Law Conference, Chicago, IL, December 2, 2016 (with Steven Bierig, arbitrator and James Green, employee-side attorney) (1.25 hour program; presented to labor and management attorneys, union officials and neutrals)
“Don’t Worry, Be Happy: Collaborative Bargaining – Evaluating Innovative Approaches to Bargaining” IPELRA, Galena, IL, October 23, 2016 (with Rosa Tiscareno, FMCS and Amy Moor Gaylord, management-side attorney) (2 hour program; presented to management attorneys and public sector employers)
“The Changing Labor Relations Landscape” Management Association of Illinois’s Annual Employment Law Conference, NIU Naperville, IL, October 13, 2016 (1.5 hour program; presented to management attorneys and HR professionals)
“The Grievance Arbitration Process” NPELRA, Albuquerque, NM, October 5, 2016 (full-day program; presented to management attorneys and public sector employers)
“Just Cause Does Not Mean Just Cuz” IPELRA, Darien-Woodridge Fire Protection District, June 16, 2016 (4 hour program; presented to management attorneys and public sector employers)
“Role of Arbitration in Union/Management Relations and Responding to Grievances Before Arbitration” NPELRA Academy, Memphis, TN, April 21, 2016 (1.25 hour program; presented to management attorneys and public sector employers)
“Inside Tips for Ensuring Successful Negotiations – the Devil’s in the Details” NPELRA webinar, March 10, 2016 (1 hour program; presented to management attorneys and public sector employers)
“10 Things You Can Do For A More Successful Bargaining Outcome” DuPage County Police Chiefs Association, February 25, 2016 (2 hour program; presented to police chiefs and command staff and states’ attorneys)
“Technology in the Workplace Update” Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA), John Marshall Law School, January 28, 2016 (with Angie Cowan Hamada, union-side attorney) (2 hour program; presented to union and management attorneys, academics and neutrals)
“Ask the Arbitrator” Kent Law School, December 4, 2015 (1.25 hour program; presented to labor and management attorneys, union officials and neutrals)
“Top 10 Labor and Employment Issues for the HR Professional” Kankakee SHRM, October 20, 2015 (2 hour program; presented to HR professionals)
“Strategies for Dealing with the Past Practice Ghost” NPELRA Training Conference, Savannah, GA, April 1, 2015 (1.25 hour program; presented to management attorneys and public sector employers)
“The NLRB and Your Employee Handbook” Management Association of Illinois, Naperville, IL, September 30, 2014 (1.5 hour program; presented to HR professionals)
“Social Media, Employment Policies, and the NLRB” (with Wesley Kennedy, union-side attorney and Fellow) Labor and Employment Relations Association, Chicago Chapter, September 15, 2014 (1.5 hour program; presented to labor and management attorneys, academics and neutrals)
“A New Dawn for Labor Law” Illinois State Council of SHRM 15th Annual HR Conference, Oak Brook, IL, August 4, 2014 (2 hour program; presented to HR professionals)
“Ten Things Every HR Leader Should Know About Labor Law” Illinois Fox Valley SHRM, St. Charles, IL, June 19, 2014 (1.5 hour program; presented to HR professionals)
“Stumbling Into Violations: When Do Handbooks and Policies Violate the NLRA” Hot Topics in Contemporary Labor Relations Law, NLRB/Kent Conference, Chicago, IL, June 13, 2014 (1 hour program; presented to labor and management attorneys, union officials and private sector employers)
“Management Rights for Police Executives” Northwest Police Academy, Palatine, IL, March 13, 2014 (2 hour program; presented to police chiefs and command staff)
“Collective Bargaining Language Issues and Proposals: What to Seek and What to Avoid” IPELRA Employment Law Seminar, Schaumburg, IL, February 20, 2014 (with Jim Baird, management-side attorney and Fellow) (1.5 hour program; presented to management attorneys and public sector employers)
“Labor Contract Negotiations – Ultimately Everything Costs Something!” Illinois GFOA Annual Conference, Bloomington, Il, September, 2014 (1.5 hour program; presented to public sector financial managers)
“Dealing with Intermittent Leave Under the FMLA” (with Abigail Rogers, management-side attorney) NPELRA (Webinar), April 24, 2013 (1 hour program; presented to management attorneys and public sector employers)
“The Do’s and Don’ts of Grievance Processing and Grievance Arbitration Preparation” 2013 IPELRA Employment Law Seminar, Schaumburg, IL, March 7, 2013 (1.5 hour program; presented to management attorneys and public sector employers)
“Top 10 Labor and Employment Issues for 2013” CIC – SHRM, Springfield, IL, January 23, 2013 (2.5 hour program; presented to HR professionals)
“2013 Legal Update” 12th Annual Illinois Public Service Institute, Effingham, IL, October 7, 2013 (6 hour program; presented to public works managers)
“National Legal Update on Labor Relations & Human Resources” Rocky Mountain PELRA Annual Conference 2013, Albuquerque, NM, July 17, 2013 (2 hour program; presented to management attorneys and public sector employers)
“Grievance Issues for Police Executives – Making the System Work to Your Advantage” Northwest Policy Academy, Palatine, IL, September 13, 2012 (2.5 hour program; presented to police chiefs and command staff)
“Ten Things Every HR Leader Should Know About Labor Law” Illinois SHRM Annual Conference, Oak Brook, IL, August 6, 2012 (1.5 hour program; presented to HR professionals)
“The NLRB - It’s Not Just for Unions Anymore” Management Association, Oak Brook, IL, March 1, 2012 (1.5 hour program; presented to HR professionals)
“Collective Bargaining Trends and Strategies for 2012” (with Ted Clark, management-side attorney and Fellow) IPELRA Employment Law Seminar, Oak Brook, IL, February 16, 2012 (1.5 hour program; presented to management attorneys and public sector employers)
“2012 Legal Update” 11th Annual Illinois Public Service Institute, Effingham, IL, October 7, 2013 (6 hour program; presented to public works managers)
“Preventing and Responding to Employee Workplace Complaints and Misconduct” IPELRA, Galena, IL, October, 2012 Effingham, IL, October 7, 2013 (1.25 hour program; presented to management attorneys and public sector employers)
“Ten Collective Bargaining Language Traps to Avoid, and a Couple to Set Yourself” (with Jim Baird, management-side attorney and Fellow) IPELRA, Employment Law Services, Oakbrook, IL, February 16, 2012 (1.5 hour program; presented to management attorneys and public sector employers)
“Strategies for Implementing a Successful Social Media Usage Policy” Society for Human Resource Professionals (SHRP) Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, November 9, 2011 (1.5 hour program; presented to HR professionals)
“HR Documentation: Will it Help or Hurt?” IPELRA Annual Conference, Galena, IL, October 24, 2011 (1.25 hour program; presented to management attorneys and public sector employers)
“The Use of Technology in the Workplace: The Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media” 101 Best and Brightest - Elite Suite Series, Downers Grove, IL, October 7, 2011 (1.5 hour program; presented to company owners and HR professionals)
“Illinois Law Update – Issues Affecting Payroll” American Payroll Association, Chicago Chapter, Niles, IL, August 25, 2011
“Where Do We Go From Here? – Social Media Guidance for Employers” Illinois State SHRM Conference, Oak Brook, IL, August 22, 2011 (2 hour program; presented to HR professionals)
“Privacy, Loyalty and Free Speech: Pushing the Boundaries of the Modern Employment Relationship” Kenneth M. Piper Lecture, Chicago-Kent College of Law, Chicago, IL, April 5, 2011 (presented with Pauline T. Kim, Charles Nagel Professor of Law at Washington University School of Law and Arnold H. Pedowitz, Pedowitz & Meister, LLP (3.5 hour program; presented to labor and management attorneys, union officials and neutrals)
“The Evolving Boundaries of Protected Concerted Activity Including the World of the Internet & Social Media” NLRB/Chicago-Kent College of Law Joint Labor Law Conference, Chicago, IL, March 18, 2011 (1.25 hour program; presented to labor and management attorneys, union officials and neutrals)
“Born to Be Mild: A Harley Davidson Case Study” Western States Employers’ Associations 2011 Labor and Employment Law Conference, Catalina Island, CA, March 10, 2011 (1.5 hour program; presented to management attorneys)
“Born to Be Mild: A Harley Davidson Case Study” The Management Association of Illinois Annual HR Conference, Oak Brook, IL, March 8, 2011 (1.5 hour program; presented to HR professionals)
“Embracing Social Media While Protecting your Organization” Decatur SHRM Chapter Annual Conference, Decatur, IL, October 12, 2010 (2.5 hour program; presented to HR professionals)
“Legal Concerns of Social Media for Employers” CIC-SHRM, Springfield, IL, May 19, 2010 (2 hour program; presented to HR professionals)